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SR440BX Motherboard BIOS Updates

BIOS 4S4R100A.86A.0012.P06

  • Current production release BIOS for the SR440BX motherboard. Self-extracting archive includes Software License Agreement, the utility for updating the flash BIOS, and the version 4S4R100A.86A.0012.P06 image. See also the general instructions for flash BIOS upgrades.

CRITICAL Instruction !!!

NOTE: Version 4S4R100A.86A.0012.P06 BIOS image requires updating both the Boot Block and the BIOS image. Additionally, the CMOS structure defaults must be set to ensure settings are interpreted correctly. Updating the Boot Block is not normally required. The BIOS files included in this release will automatically update both the Boot Block and the BIOS image when executed by the autoexec.bat file provided with this release.

NOTE !!!

All CMOS SETUP parameters will be lost during this process. If you have customer CMOS settings you wish to save, you must record them prior to running this update.

There are no options in this update process. Insert the update diskette containing the files unzipped from the downloaded file located on the Web site. Two updates will be observed during this update process. The BIOS update process will program the Boot Block followed by the system BIOS.


Do not interrupt this process. The process is complete when you see the "CMOS Checksum Bad" error. You are not finished! Read the Update Process below.

>>>> Interrupting this process could render your system NOT Functional. <<<<

Update Process:

  1. Create the bootable DOS diskette with the files provided in this update. The autoexec.bat file provided in this update will run the update sequence automatically. The BIOS update process is complete when you see the "CMOS Checksum Bad" error. You are not finished! Read below.

Set CMOS defaults (preferred method):

  1. Remove the update diskette and Press F10 to set the new CMOS defaults.
  2. The system is now ready to run your applications.

Alternate method to set CMOS if you have customer CMOS settings to enter after the update:

  1. Remove the update diskette and Press the F1 key (instead of F10) to enter the CMOS SETUP utility after the BIOS update has completed. (You will enter the setup utility during normal operation by Pressing the F2 key during POST)
  2. You must set the CMOS parameters to default values first by Pressing the F9 key.
  3. Enter the customer settings after the default values have been set by Pressing the F9 key.
  4. Press the F10 key to save all settings.

Filename: SRBIOS06.EXE
Size: 457,989 Date: July 28, 1999

Release Notes
Filename: RNOTE06.DOC
Size: 26,112 Date: July 28, 1999

General Instructions for Flash BIOS Upgrades

To get technical assistance for a motherboard manufactured by Intel, first check with your place of purchase or the system manufacturer. They'll know the most about your exact configuration and will have the latest information that is specific to your product.

Intel is able to provide only general technical support information for its standard products. Your motherboard or configuration may be different and, as a result, the information and files included here may not work with your hardware.

Updated: Wednesday, July 28, 1999

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