@echo off rem @if "%1c"=="c" goto usage @goto install :usage @echo. @echo USAGE: Install [current-working-directory] @echo The current-working-directory is the full path containing all the @echo IMB driver installation files, including this command file. @echo. @echo Example: @echo. @echo Install C:\IMBDRV\Test @echo. @goto error :install @set INSTALL_DIR=%1 @echo. DeviceSetup.exe -v install flashud.inf *INT0800 DeviceSetup.exe -v install IBSMUx64.inf *IntelUtilDeV @echo. @echo Installing IMB driver... @echo. devicesetup updateonly imbdrv.inf *IMBDRV >NUL 1>&2 if errorlevel 0 echo "IMBDriver upgraded successfully" && goto exit DeviceSetup.exe detectmsipmi if errorlevel 0 echo "MSIPMI Driver detected. Skipping IMBDRV installation" && goto exit devicesetup.exe -v install imbdrv.inf *IMBDRV :done @echo Done! @echo. @echo Installation Successful @echo. @goto exit :error @echo. @echo @@@@ Installation Failed @@@@ @echo. :exit