;**************************************************************************** ;* FILE NAME: FLASHUD.INF ;* FILE CONTAINS: ;* DESCRIPTION: Win 2003 "INF" file for Intel Server Management FLSHUD WDM ;* driver. ;* NOTES: . ;**************************************************************************** ;* INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ;* This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or ;* nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied ;* or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. ;* Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************************** [Version] Signature = "$WINDOWS NT$" Class = System ClassGuid = {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider = %PROVIDER% ;defined later in String section ;LayoutFile = layout.inf ;entry used only by system installer DriverVer = 03/06/2009, Catalogfile=flashud.cat ; =================== Installation media. ====================== [SourceDisksNames.amd64] 1=%DiskId% ; =================== Files to be installed.. ====================== [SourceDisksFiles.amd64] flashud.sys = 1 ; =================== Common for all ACPI devices ====================== [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 12 ;Driver directory [Manufacturer] %INTEL_MFG% = INTEL_FLASH, ntamd64 ;Model statement defined in Intel Flash section ; =================== INTEL FLASH ====================================== [INTEL_FLASH.ntamd64] %*INT0800.DeviceDesc% = Flashud_Inst,*INT0800 ;%*INT0800.DeviceDesc% = Flashud_Inst,pci\ven_8086&dev_24c0 [Flashud_Inst.ntamd64] CopyFiles = @flashud.sys [Flashud_Inst.ntamd64.Services] AddService = int0800, 0x00000002, Flashud_ServiceInstallSection ;AddService = flashud, 0x000000, Flashud_ServiceInstallSection [Flashud_ServiceInstallSection] DisplayName = %Flashud_svcdesc% ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\flashud.sys LoadOrderGroup = "System Bus Extender" AddReg = Flashud_Inst_AddRegSection [Flashud_Inst_AddRegSection] HKR,,DriverVersion,0x00010001,0x00000006 ; =================== STRINGS and CONSTANTS ============================ [Strings] INTEL_MFG = "Intel, Corp." PROVIDER = "Intel, Corp." SSD-DRYDON = "SSD Drydon III" *INT0800.DeviceDesc = "Intel 28F320C3 Flash Update Device Driver v6.4" DiskId = "Intel OFU Driver Installation Disk 1 of 1" ;service descriptions Flashud_svcdesc = "Intel 28F320C3 Flash Update Device Driver v6.4" ;******************************************* ;Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable) SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 3 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 1